Rules and Regulation:
Students shall abide by the rules and regulation fomulated by the college authority.
A student shall be subjected to disciplinary action if he/she is found to be disobedient or indecent in his/her behaviours with teachers, other employees & students and with the college authority.
A student who is found to have violated college rules and regulation shall be liable to expulsion.
College property is to taken as the property of the college authority and any damage detected and reported must be remedied by the offender.
All home works and assignments must be done regularly.
Any students indulging in evil practices like ragging, unfair means in the examination and disturbing attention in the classes will be severely dealt with.
Chewing gum, supari, sikhar, tobacco not pemissible in the class and the Academy premises.
Monthly tuition fee shall have to be paid on or before 10th of every month.
There shall be no refunding of money once a studet had been admitted to the college.
In case of any loss of ldentity Card the student will have to report to the Academy authority and procure a duplicate copy on payment of Rs.75
Internal examinations of the Academy are compulsory for every student.
Students once admitled cannot withdraw without completing one Academic session except on valid
ground. In such case a complete college fee and boarding fee for entire session will be charged.
No notioe or leafilet can be circulated any where in the Academy premises without the prior approval of the principal.
Student shall require at least 90% of attendance of lectures both for theoretical and practical classes.
Separately to become eligible for siting in the examination if not other wise disqualified for the same.
The decision of the Executive body of Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Academy on all matters shall be final and binding.
Wearing of college uniform is compulsory during college hours on all working days.